
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Congratulations Commissioner Spitfire!

Hello all!

It is my pleasure to congratulate Spitfire for his promotion to the rank of server Commissioner after his long-standing contributions as server Deputy!

Like several before him, Spitifre had a rocky start on his journey across the space and time of our server community. Brash and reckless, with an over-eagerness to roleplay and bring along a colourful assortment of friends (many of whom had to be heavily vetted before being whitelisted), it was hard to imagine us being less than on-our-guard in his (and his posse's) presence. He had the experience of being a former server admin, but this worked against him for a while as he was vocally TOO confident in getting a leadership position, to the point of making himself ineligible. Even so, he was a talented builder, a fantastic socializer, and fairly level-headed and humble -- and these attributes, over the course of many months after, would slowly brew interest in his abilities enough to finally grant him a Deputy position.

As a deputy his experience was definitely made manifest and then some. Even as his friend group declined in participation and started leaving the server never to return, he was still steadfast and loyal to our group and continued on as often as he could. He is very helpful and friendly to new players, and will help them build houses and towns even with his limited abilities. He lends his server experience and investigative skills to any projects or searches that require a great attentio to detail. And like any good Deputy, he listens carefully to advice and is willing to grow as a person, and learn new things, despite [or because of?] being an older player.

I know for many of you Spit has also been an incredible friend for extra-server activities, and for that I appreciate his ability to extend his cheer far and wide in places I can't possibly follow in; for this reason and more, I feel he's finally demonstrated enough integrity as a Deputy to merit an expanded set of powers and responsibilities as a server Commissioner. May he continue to aid the server as an experienced resource, a valuable friend, and a constant reminder to never judge a book by its cover!

Spit was voted in through a parliamentary-style staff election featuring an excellent 83% voter turnout, with 12 votes in favor and two abstains due to unavailability!

I want to thank all staff who participated in giving Spit such a superb vote of confidence, as well as all players who have helped make him the fun and remarkable staff member he is today!