
Friday, May 2, 2014

New Server Video Redux!!!!

Alo peoplez!

Well it seems like only yesterday Iallipekul made that cool server video that none of us expected, but all of us loved!  It was a great work of art, but even he noticed that something was missing... the world shown was eerily claustrophobic, as if new players were expected to only hang around the confines of Spawnington.

But a quick visit to Dynmap...

...belies an enormous expense of ever-growing cities, towns and interesting locations that make our world rich and fun to explore!  The kind of world that builders and explorers would never grow tired of!

And his follow-up video gives a wonderful glimpse of that very thing, covering memorable locations such as Eclipse, Glasgrow and Monster Island -- some places that we built or cobbled together, or imported to safely store on our server!  The followup video truly shows that we are a server catering to multiple interests, and that respect and preserves the manifestation of talent!

Thanks not only goes to him and the people who helped make this video, but also the many hundreds of people who helped making these other wonderful locations possible!


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