Friday, November 21, 2014

Big Sister Updated to Gulliver v0.14.3!!!

Annnnnnnd... WE ARE NOW IN GULLIVER FOR 1.6.4!!! WOO!!!!!!  :happycia:

Hello everyone, I have the pleasure of announcing that Big Sister has officially and succesfully transitioned over to Gulliver v0.14.3 for Minecraft 1.6.4, in addition to Forge Essentials The update was done carefully enough so that almost everything APPEARS to be working as before, although there are some temporary caveats for now....

  1. Currently "/give @a" does not work as a command, so for now I can't do my mass cheese dispersals like I enjoying doing off-game. This is something I just discovered now, so I've sent this to Tarig to see if he can fix it -- while not a deal-breaker, it's certainly a loss of functionality.  However, "/give @p" and "/give @r" work just fine.
  2. It's quite possible that /pulse now works properly, meaning that any attempt done to account for the inaccurate position of the redstone block now won't be necessary. This also means that due to the offset it may not work properly, so any command block machines that use /pulse may need to be adjusted.
  3. In-Game NBTEdit is currently inoperative due to Adfly deciding to have an outage at this time, so I can't get the 1.6.4 version.  This should only be temporary, and of course this only affects /opped players. ^^
  4. Dynmap was updated to the latest 1.6.4 version, and yet still has issues displaying player heads properly -- it may be that the only way to fix this is to completely purge the old folder and rerender the entire map from scratch with the latest dynmap.  This however will be quite the task, so if we decide to go this route we will have to do it some other day, and after our marker locations have been backed up somewhere.
  5. Of course we all know about the problem with TabbyChat -- due to not having a Forge version for 1.6.4, the requirement to have TabbyChat for RPs will be lifted until further notice. You are free to chat via the regular console, or install TabbyChat standalone or LiteLoader on your own. ^^
  6. And finally, due to the aforementioned Adfly outage, I had to revert Little Brother to the October Flavor straight up, meaning it is still running Minecraft 1.6.2 mods.  Sorry, but this too is temporary.  

If you haven't already prepared for this update, you can find the new installation guides below:

Gulliver v0.14.3:


Anyway, if you encounter any bugs while you come in and play during the weekend, PLEASE let me know in the forum's support thread and we'll try to get them addressed (or referred to Mion or Tarig).  Let's enjoy the transition and the improved Optifine, and of course the better slime and fast bats, as we wait for the next awesome update. ^^

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