Friday, January 16, 2015

Congratulations, Moderator Cordelia!!!

Hello all!

It is my pride and privilege to announce that Cordelia (Coco) has been promoted to the prestigious rank of Moderator, a move long in the making!

Cordelia is more than just the clever, skilled, intelligent, no-nonsense, bunny-loving master builder that we know and adore. She is more than the person who near-singlehandedly built one of the largest and most elaborate 8x mansions as a normal player, and who then founded Harendelle, one of the largest and most beautiful cities on the server. She is more than just the person who built the second-largest structure on the server, only to completely destroy it to start-over for the sake of artistic integrity. She is more than just the person who writes application reviews with academic precision, or who clamps down on lunacy and indecency on the server fearlessly and efficiently. She is more than just the person who builds lovely homes for her fellow players, wonderous transportation networks to link everyone together, and lush gardens to pretty up a landscape. She is more than just a friendly colleague of mine who's opinions and input I value; one who overcame her initial shyness and the varous attempts at Swarming by unruly players, to grow into a stronger, more outspoken, more communicative individual. Indeed, even Cordelia herself knows she is more than all of this, if not she wouldn't constantly seek to challenge herself, and push the envelope of possibility to bring about good things for all of us, including herself.

In fact, she is the thing that legends are made of, and it's my privilege to request that you offer Cordelia the opportunity to be a Moderator on our server, so she can expand her horizons of what is possible, and truly share with us all the commitment, devotion, inspiration and unbridled potential she has generously offered us for all these months we've known her.

Cordelia was voted in through a parliamentary-style staff election featuring an 83% voter turnout, with 10 votes in favor and two abstains.

I want to thank everyone who directly or indirectly helped Cordelia achieve such a remarkable milestone!
We truly wouldn't be where we are now without her!

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