Monday, February 17, 2014

Server Spotlight - Glasgrow

Alo everyone!!

Today we're going to try something different; we're going to start a series where we will showcase creations that are brought to my attention on the server.  These can be as remarkable as an entire town, to something more modest as a nice building or sculpture.

In this week's Server Spotlight, we will be focusing on Glasgrow, the hot new 8x city built almost exclusively by our resident field moderator ShadowScale, using his wits, creativity, and a lot of MCEdit!  Modeled after a kind of suburban atmosphere, the town features a commercial heart with a shot and hotel, overlooking a lovely fountain pool, sandwiched between 16 three-story townhouses for giant families to live in.  The whole town is itself dwarfed by a pair of statues off on its west side, a tourist attraction dedicated to the two server Owners.  ^^

Though its currently too far to be connected by road, Glasgrow is still accessible via the Spawnington Transit Hub, where Glasgrow teleporters exist for both normal and giant players.  Look for the normal teleporter on the first floor of the Transit Hub, all the way towards the back near where the giant elevator is (near Laputa).  ^^

In case you're worried about heading to Glasgrow only to be trampled over by 8x pedestrian traffic, not to worry... the main teleporter is in a secured and visible booth in the town square, and all road have groves for safe travel by halflings and tinies.  The entire town itself has lots of accommodations for normal and tiny players, although of course it stands to reason that it's probably best to visit Glasgrow as an 8x if you're not one to watch where other people are going.  ;)

The town is no commercial hotspot, but it's certainly on its way there what with the beautiful and glitzy Macro-Mart.  Given that so few stores on the server cater to 8x players, its a refreshing change of pace to finally do some shopping without having to micronize or bend down on your hands and knees... certainly helps to finally try out clothes that don't make you look fat, or shoes that fit and look stylish at the same time.  Items are currently sparse with few of them on sale yet, but expect this to change over time as more workers are hired and more customers are forthcoming.

The fountain pool is certainly a fun little resort with diving boards, toy pirate ships to play with your tiny friends, and an ode to the greatest thing since sliced bread.  But if you're exhausted and don't have a home to go to in Glasgrow, fear not as you always have the Step On Inn 2.0 to offer you some hospitality. Inside you will be treated to the most luxurious ballroom lobby this side of Eclipse, with a bar area and a reception desk that seconds as a hotel suite for your little friends.  The bedrooms themselves are cozy and spacious, with a touch of home... literally.  :)

All 18 townhouses peppered throughout Glasgrow are intentionally samey... we provide the template, its up to you, the prospective resident, to decorate it as you see fit.  That may include a new painted exterior, a nice new tailed roof, new furniture, or simply a new house sign... it's up to you, the sky's the limit!  

The interiors offer the latest in cutting edge spacious design, the likes of which have never been seen before on the server.  Even an 8x would quickly find himself or herself a dwarf in his/her house.... and that's GOOD.  It's about time you were afforded room to stretch your legs in.  :)
The carpets use cutting edge lighting technology to avoid the ghastly eye-glare and terrifyingly-large electric bills caused by those ancient redstone lamp floors.  Finally you too can live like your 1x neighbor with the decency of a seamless carpet.  :)

And tell me, when was the last time you saw an 8x house with a basement, huh?
In normal lands the cost of digging up such a huge cavity into the earth was simply too prohibitive to ever be a factor, but not so in Glasgrow!  Here, every 8x has the right to storage room beyond anything you've ever dreamed of!!  Feel free to buy as much junk as possible... you'll have plenty of room in the basement to store it away and forget about it.  :P

And lest you think all this isn't big enough, feel free to travel West from the city square to meet Giga Breadzilla and Cayzilla, to impossibly-large statues that stretch from bedrock all the way up to ceiling height.  In case you thought the statues at Eclipse were ridiculously big, these titanesses -- ever keeping up a watchful eye over Glasgrow -- are bound to humble even the most intimidating 8x.  But make no mistake, they stand as a testament to the true power of the Big Sister server... the power to leverage great people, strong passions, amazing technology, and an embrace of the irreverent and fun, to make what was once thought to be impossible, possible.  If anything, perhaps a little too possible... but all the same... :)

Have fun, and see you at Glasgrow!

Thank you!

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